B Group Participated in the “Ground Water Resources of Jordan “Event which was held on November 14 of 2019 at Royal Cultural Center –Amman, Jordan from 8:30 Am – 2:30 Pm.
This Event was as Technical Cooperation between the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) for Ground Water Resources Management.
The main topics shown include the following :
- Opening Speeches presented by HE Ulla Brunkhorst , Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and HE Eng. Raed Abu Saud , Minister of Water and Irrigation
- 60 years of German – Jordanian technical cooperation in the field of Geosciences presented by HE Eng. Ali Subah , Secretary General of the MWI and Prof. Dr. Ralph Watzel , President of the BGR.
- Official Launch of the “ Ground Water Resource Assessment of Jordan “ and Coffee Breaks.
- Opening and Walk – through the exhibition on the ground water resources of Jordan.
- The Structure of Jordan’s aquifers presented by Ala’a Atieh (MWI) and Florian Bruckner (BGR).
- Ground water Vulnerability in Jordan presented by Ala’a Atieh (MWI) and Florian Bruckner (BGR).
- Spring Discharge Development presented by Rebecca Bahls (BGR) and Razan Al Roud (MWI).
- Ground Water Resources – Past Development and current Situation presented by Rabecca Bahls (BGR) and Razan Al Roud (MWI).
- The Nationwide Groundwater Model – a look into the future presented by Dr. Mona Dahabiyeh (MWI) and Mark Gropius (BGR).
- Declining Groundwater Levels – globally and in Jordan presented by Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).
Finally , Panel Discussion “ The value of Groundwater for Jordan’s Future” between : HE Eng. Ali Subah , Prof. Dr. Ralph Watzel , Eng. Msc Louis Qaqish – PMP Senior PM Specialist ,USAID , Prof. Dr.Manar Fayyad – President of GJU , Prof. Dr. Thomas Himmelsbach – Head of Ground Water and Soil Science Department , BGR , Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider – Researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.